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SitRep Washington, DC: Public health emergency declared, Tamiflu released from SNS

The White House briefing on the swine flu crisis was relevatory.  Besides declaring a nationwide public health emergency, the White House has ordered a release of 25% of the Strategic National Stockpile of antivirals Tamiflu and Relenza to the states, with prioritization to those states with outbreaks and confirmed cases.  Additionally, the Department of Defense -- and don't be alarmed, because the SNS is a joint project of HHS and DoD -- anyway, DoD has already pre-positioned some 7 million courses of antivirals.  Who do you think guards all those warehouses?  Guards from 24?

We now also know that Ohio has reported its first case.  No word on the suspected Minnesota and Massachusetts cases.

Daily briefings will occur until the crisis has passed, the duration of which is entirely up to the virus.

Reader Comments (4)

Scott, great web site!

I was wondering what your take in the WHouse Press Conference? Did you see anything between the lines? I am wondering why Napalitano is not doing screening at all points of entry? What the hell is wrong with these people in this current administration. First they try to tell us we don't have enemy combatants. Then they try to tell us we do not have terrorist threats, but overseas contingency concerns or man made disaster scenarios. Then they tell us that that we do not have a situation that warrants screening of folks coming into the USA and that there is no concern over this being a terrorist attack? What the hell is wrong with these people?

April 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTimothy Carr

I don't think much of Napolitano anyway, but her surrounding cast seems to be on the ball. Just keep her away from the mike and out of the way and let the pros do the job.

I was interested to see the DoD get mobilized so quickly. I would much rather see them step up surveillance here rather than try and stop foreigners from coming in. It is too late for that. Elvis has left the building.

I will also address this in my next blog.

April 26, 2009 | Registered CommenterScott McPherson

Well, is it too much to ask for DoD to do both? If the boarders were a rick prior to today, they will be much more of a problem is people in Mexico begin to flee en mass thinking they will be safer here. Moreover, if Mexico begins to quarantine, one wonders what affect this will have on an already panicked population.

Having said that, Elvis has left the building. You are right, once they are here, they are here.

April 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTimothy Carr

PS: I need to proof read. Sorry, I will do that next entry.

April 26, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTimothy Carr

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