CDC warns of zombie apocalypse!

Faithful readers of this blog (do I HAVE faithful readers anymore?) know that I have taken about a year's sabbatical from blogging on disease. that does not mean I have neglected the topic entirely; it just means that I have left the topic to those bloggers (Crof, FLA_MEDIC, maryn, others) who have much more informed comment than I.
But I am happy to report that I have returned to blogging on a topic with which I am intimately familiar:
Today, the Centers for Disease Control has issued a warning to prepare for a Zombie Apocalypse.
The actual CDC warning appears here:
Zombies have always been a curse upon humanity, as chronicled by Max Brooks in his important and long-suppressed historical work, The Zombie Survival Guide: Recorded Attacks.
Of course, what the CDC is trying to do is capitalize on the tremendous success of the comic and TV show The Walking Dead and the wonderful films of George A., Romero in an effort to promote planning and preparedness for disasters.
Their message is a simple one: If you've planned for the Zombie Apocalypse, you've planned for pretty much everything.
Oh yeah -- that's me, just right of center, and toward the top of the photo.
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