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SitRep Auckland: 10 students with suspected swine flu

A group of 22 college students and 3 teachers traveled from Auckland, New Zealand to Mexico. The trip, a language-oriented trip, lasted three weeks.  The return trip funneled the students and faculty through Los Angeles Bradley International Airport.

Upon returning home, the students began complaining of flu-like symptoms.  Testing immediately took place, and at least ten of the students have "untyped A" influenza.

A quick primer for new readers:  The rapid test for flu can determine any of the known strains of influenza A or B.  If a teat comes back "untyped A," the protocol calls for that sample to go to the appropriate central testing organization.  In the US, that is the Centers for Disease Control. 

The New Zealand tests showed untyped A.  So far, that has meant swine H1N1.  Since this new flu strain has a more rapid incubation period (from 1 to 3 days, according to the WHO), these students were shedding virus at least from LA to Auckland.  Everyone on board the airliner was, in all probability, exposed to virus.


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